Kubota, the best company according to the European DSI 2017!

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Kubota has been voted as the best company in terms of dealer satisfaction at European level.
On average, the brand surpasses its competitors by almost two points.
The result of the CLIMMAR survey was disclosed during Agritechnica.

The well-known Dealer Satisfaction Index constitutes the statistical average of the points awarded
to each brand by the European agricultural machinery dealers.
Several countries participated in this survey, including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy,
Poland, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

Among all the different categories that were taken into account to analyse each company, Kubota clearly stood out in the following:
after sales service and warranty, administration and terms of payment, manufacturer-dealer relations,
and willingness to improve its weak points.

Kubota has evolved considerably over the last years, which has allowed it to be the winner
of this international recognition and overcome its strongest competitors.

Download the press release here : Kubota – Press Release – EU Dealer Satisfaction Index 2017

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Kubota (Deutschland) GmbH Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce
Ul. Baletowa 82
02-867 Warszawa